Business Support. Entrepreneurial Opportunities. Technical Assistance.

Technical Assistance Grants

Main Street Skowhegan offers Technical Assistance Grants for locally owned businesses and new entrepreneurs in Skowhegan! The 2022 grant cycle is currently closed. The 2023 application will open in the spring. Learn more here.

Town of Skowhegan TIF Grants

Thanks to the Downtown TIF, the Town of Skowhegan is able to offer Skowhegan businesses grant funding for projects that align with the Skowhegan Strategic Plan. To learn more and determine if your project is eligible, click here.

Historic Commercial District Revolving Fund (HCDRF)

Because Skowhegan is an accredited National Main Street community, local property owners have access to this funding source.

Informational flyer 

HCDRF details:

  • Loans up to $25,000
  • 0% interest, funds repaid within three years
  • Can be used to match Skowhegan’s Facade Improvement Program grants
  • Buildings must be non-residential and located within the Skowhegan Downtown TIF District; preference for buildings to be at least 50 years old
  • Projects must follow historic preservation standards best practices
  • Please contact Main Street Skowhegan for more info: or 207-612-2571

Loans can be used for:

  • Exterior façade improvements, included but not limited to: new signage, awnings, window and doorway repair, roof or landscaping if they are part of a bigger façade improvement project
  • COVID-19 related projects:
    • Signage for space management related to COVID-19, including signage delineating social distancing requirements or curbside pick-up
    • Materials, equipment, and labor to help create additional space adjacent to commercial buildings, including outdoor seating apparatus, parklets + pedlets, or sanitation stations
    • Equipment for interior space management related to COVID-19, including plexiglass stands at points-of-sale

Town of Skowhegan Facade Grants

The Town of Skowhegan regularly applies for facade grant funds. Let them know about your project by contacting the Economic and Community Development Office at 207- 474-6905 or visit the Town of Skowhegan website at